South Africa – The Country of Nelson Mandela

Most countries are known for a turbulent past and South Africa is no exception. A country that returned to the world stage under the leader Nelson Mandela after decades with an apartheid system. The turbulence might still be there under the surface and is erupting from time to time in a country that still fights to stay on the right track.

One thing is for sure, South Africa has found its colors. It is a diverse country with so much to offer its visitors. How about African wildlife, a colonial history, old wine yards, and several fighters for democracy – with Nelson Mandela only being one of many.

Visited: 2016

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Country Information:

  • Population: 54.9 million
  • Capitals: Pretoria, Bloemfontein, and Cape Town
  • Language: 11 official languages

Enjoy our stories from South Africa!