Top 10 Posts in 2017

Our Top 10 Posts and Statistics for 2017

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  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:2023-07-03
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We hope that the new year has started well and that you are enjoying 2018! It’s now time for us to summarize our top 10 posts and other interesting statistics from 2017.

Our Top 10 Posts In 2017

Our readers seem to like food and travel. Both of which are very important aspects of the good life, if you ask us.

  1. Europe is so much more than London and Paris, In our most popular blog post in 2017, we list our top 10 European destinations off the beaten path.
  2. Who would have thought that cabbage soup could be so popular? Try this delicious Slovak cabbage soup and you’ll find out what the fuss is about.
  3. The capital of Latvia is a real treat. Number 3 on the list is our post about Riga.
  4. Feel like having more soup? This Slovak garlic soup is simple and very tasty.
  5. Susann has lived in quite a few different countries. In this post, she tells all about living in Poland.
  6. The list continues with another European capital. Belgrade is quirky and cool, read more about it here.
  7. Once in a while, it’s fun to explore ways to improve. Here’s a post about using 15 minutes for generating optimistic ideas.
  8. Bratislava is a city with many statues. One of the most famous ones is Čumil, the man at work. 
  9. From Slovakia to the Åland Islands, number 9 on our list is Lemström Canal.
  10. And back to Bratislava, we return. Apart from soup lovers, we seem to have some history buffs among our readers. Read more about the WWII frontier here!

What do you think of these top 10 posts? Which one was your favorite? We are personally happy about the fact that our readers seem to enjoy our posts about the not so known places in Europe. The greatest surprise? Well, it has to be the fact that Slovak cabbage soup made it to the top 10 posts.

Where Did Our Visitors Come From?

We are quite addicted to Google Analytics and one of the things we find particularly interesting is where our visitors come from. In which parts of the world are people reading our stories?

Here’s the list of top 10 countries

  1. United States (1 in 2016)
  2. Sweden (2)
  3. United Kingdom (3)
  4. Finland (4)
  5. Slovakia (6)
  6. Canada (5)
  7. Germany (11)
  8. Czech Republic (31)
  9. India (10)
  10. Åland Islands (36)

And now we are asking you: where are you right now?

Last but not least, we want to thank all our readers for 2017. Let’s make 2018 even better!

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