The Biveros Effect- Top 10 Posts in 2016

Our Top 10 Posts and Statistics for 2016

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:2023-01-01
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We hope that the new year has started well and that you are enjoying it! This blog was one of our biggest projects last year and it has been so much fun to share all our stories with you. Thank you for reading and commenting! In case you are a new reader, we’d like to tell you about our top 10 posts from last year.

Top 10 Posts In 2016

  1. In 5 Easy Ways to Travel More we list some easy steps to add more travel into your life.
  2. European capitals seem to be a popular topic and Brussels was not an exception. We definitely enjoyed Belgium and would like to visit it again. Have you been to Brussels?
  3. From European capitals to food – another passion of ours. When you live abroad there are always some food you miss from your old home country. I told you all about mine in a post about Finnish treats.
  4. In 2015 we made an amazing trip to South America and we also wrote a whole series of posts about our experience. The favorite among our readers? The one where we said iHola Buenos Aires!
  5. What’s the best way to celebrate a birthday? Well, by going abroad, of course. In 2016 I celebrated my birthday in Tallinn– the beautiful capital of Estonia. You should too, if you ever get the chance!
  6. The Nordic capitals are very beautiful and the best time to enjoy them is early in the morning before all the crowds are out. You can see why in Stockholm at 7 in the Morning.
  7. As mentioned, European capitals were popular last year. One of our favorite destinations in Europe is Slovenia and its capital Ljubljana is a real gem.
  8. Road trips are an essential part of summer and we managed to squeeze one such trip into 2016. Road trips in Sweden are more fun than you might expect!
  9. Charming and quaint, Trosa by the Baltic Sea is a nice summer spot for tourists. We like it very much and other readers seemed to find it interesting as well. This post about Trosa was the most popular post in our series about exploring Sweden.
  10. Last but not least, let’s return to food. Blueberries and matcha make a great and healthy combo, a real power breakfast.

What do you think about these top 10 posts? Which one was your favorite?

Where Did Our Visitors Come From?

We are quite addicted to Google Analytics and one of the things we find particularly interesting is where our visitors come from. In which parts of the world are people reading our stories?

Here’s the list of top 10 countries

  1. United States
  2. Sweden
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Finland
  5. Canada
  6. Slovakia
  7. Belgium
  8. Australia
  9. Argentina
  10. India

Last but not least, we want to thank all our readers for 2016. Let’s make 2017 even better!

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