Själevad, Ångermanland, Exploring Sweden

Själevad, Ångermanland – Exploring Sweden

Själevad is a small locality situated along the river Moälven. Even though its long history has mostly been overshadowed by the development of nearby Örnsköldsvik, there are still a few gems to explore and nature to enjoy here.

The most noteworthy company from the locality is Fjällräven, a company producing outdoor equipment. The village has also been home to some famous athletes. The NHL player Victor Hedman, currently playing for Tampa Bay Lightning, and the former female soccer player Malin Moström, both come from Själevad.

A Short History

Själevad’s parish dates back to the Middle Ages and predates nearby Örnsköldsvik with a few centuries. Texts from the 14th century mention Siælawa, which is an old spelling of the name. The meaning of the word is something along the lines of the stream or bay of seals.

When Örnsköldsvik was established in 1842, it belonged to the parish of Själevad. This was the case until the separation in 1907. Själevad was later reintegrated into Örnsköldsvik municipality in 1971.

Things to do and see

Själevad has the nature next door, especially with the river Moälven so close by. Enjoying the nature is probably the main attraction for the locality, but there are a few more places of interest.

Själevads Hembygdsgård

Själevads Hembygdsgård is something close to an open-air museum about the local histoy. Old farm buildings are gathered in one place with the possibility to enjoy some time to explore. It is located in Överhörnäs, which is right across the river Moälven from central Själevad.

Själevad Outdoor Central

Friluftcentralen is an outdoor center is run by the local youth, practicing entrepreneurship. Ii addition to offering the possibility to rent outdoor equipment, it is also a rest stop along the E4, right next to the river Moälven.

Själevad Church

Located on a hill right next to the river Moälven, the church of Själevad offers a great view. The construction of the current church was completed in 1880 and has been rewarded the most beautiful church in Sweden in 1998 by the weekly magazine Året Runt.

How to get to Själevad

  • Flights: Örnsköldsvik Airport (OER) is located 30 kilometers north of the locality and connects the area with the Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (ARN) for connections around the globe.
  • Car: Själevad is located along the highway E4 between Sundsvall and Umeå.
  • Train: Northbound trains from Stockholm stops in Örnsköldsvik, from where there are local buses.
  • Bus: Several long-distance bus routes along the Swedish northern coast stops in Örnsköldsvik, from where there are local buses.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 525 kilometers (5 h 30 min)
  • Gothenburg – 873 kilometers (9 h 42 min)
  • Malmö – 1133 kilometers (11 h 32 min)
  • Linköping – 720 kilometers (7 h 30 min)
  • Kiruna – 716 kilometers (8 h)

Find out more about other destinations in Sweden by visiting our page Exploring Sweden

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