Skopje, North Macedonia, Good Bye to the Balkans

Skopje, North Macedonia – Good Bye to the Balkans

After eight days in North Macedonia, our visit was about to come to an end. Waking up on the morning of the ninth day meant that we had time for some breakfast and packing before we had to leave the apartment. Well, actually it was not so much of a breakfast as we had planned for an early lunch. It was going to be another very hot day in Skopje and we had no longer any wish for long walks. Especially not when carrying our bags. So we left the apartment and headed to Macedonia Square to find a restaurant for lunch. It was going to be lunch without any hurry. It might have been the day to say goodbye to Skopje and North Macedonia, but we had several hours before we had to board our afternoon flight back to Sweden.

Leaving North Macedonia from Skopje International Airport

We had once more a very pleasant meal for lunch. We were certainly going to miss having food like this so easily accessible. Our initial thought had been to take a taxi to the airport. That thought began to transform during our lunch. We looked at the timetable for the bus and found out that there was one departure fitting us very well. Yes, we were going to be at the airport about four hours prior to departure. But considering the heat it was going to be nice to sit down at the airconditioned airport instead of sweating in the sun. We had enjoyed the sunshine and heat enough for this trip.

The bus stop was not as easy to find. But once we did it proved to be a good option. There was plenty of space on the bus and getting to the airport was both easy and cheap. We soon sat at the airport reading news and other stories on our phones and computers. A lot to catch up on after about a week away from home.

Sadly the only food option after security here at Skopje International Airport turned out to be a very sad-looking Burger King. The impression was not improved by the fact that not much seemed to be working for them, especially not the soda machine. Well, we got something in our bellies before it was time to board. A return visit to Skopje was considered already at this stage. We will tell you later how those thoughts developed. Until then. Goodbye, Skopje! Goodbye, North Macedonia!

Join us and read more about our Balkan adventure here: Summer in Macedonia 2023

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