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Bergamo, Lombardy – Exploring Italy 2018

We visited Bergamo for the first time in 2015. At that time, we traveled down to the Italian city after our wedding. That trip was quite an adventure with some unexpected turns of events. When we returned in September 2018 it marked the end of our short return trip to Italy. We had already been to Italy once earlier during the year when we went to Rome. This return trip had included stops in Pisa, Florence, and Milan. Now were now looking forward to the last day in beautiful Bergamo before heading back home to Sweden. Indeed, this town is so much more than just its airport.

An Evening Drink in Beautiful Bergamo

We arrived in Bergamo in the afternoon with the train from Milan. There were no plans for the evening ahead. We just wanted to get rid of our backpacks at our accommodation for the night. We were staying in Città Bassa – the lower city that is a bit more modern than the upper Città Alta. Upon arrival, we directly walked the few hundred meters and were soon checked in. The town was calm and it felt like a good place to stay after all the crowds in Florence and Milan.

Our wish for the evening was to find a restaurant for a small meal and a glass of wine. As it happened, we managed to get too many options and were eventually standing there undecided. Let’s just say that it’s not the first time it happens to us. There were big crowds of people in some bars, but they didn’t seem to be eating. At last, we found a place that offered us a more romantic evening, with small dishes and a glass of Italian wine. After a day of mostly walking in Milan, it was nice to just sit down and chat. From there, we continued to another bar for another drink.

Exploring Città Alta and San Vigilio

When we visited Bergamo a few years back we missed out on exploring the old part of the city – the Città Alta. This time we made sure that we were going to get there. We left our bags at the accommodation, so no need to carry everything again. We had several hours for exploration before heading to the airport.

The funicular took us to the Città Alta. It is also possible to walk for the ones who want to do that. It did not take long before we were standing at the Piazza Mercato Delle Scarpe. The difference between Cittá Alta and Città Bassa is striking once you arrive up on the hill. Cittá Alta has so many cozy small streets to explore, even though most tourists seem to be along the main road of Via Gombito. There are not many buildings that by themselves stand out from the rest – with the exception of the Cattedrale di Bergamo. It is the town in its entirety that creates an impressive view that takes you back to the past.

For us it is mostly about enjoying our surroundings, so we did not get stuck in a bar or restaurant at once. Instead, we followed a few small cobbled streets until we arrived at the next funicular – the one leading up to San Vigilio. You might think that the Città Alta is the main attraction and that might be the case. At least if you want to walk the streets and eat in a cozy restaurant. San Vigilio is instead the place to go to if you want to get that amazing view of Cittá Alta as well as getting a better understanding of the surroundings of Bergamo. The view offered from the top at the Castello di San Vigilio is well worth the climb from where the funicular drops you off.

Once we were standing overlooking the valleys around Bergamo the sun really started to heat up the air around us. It was time to take it a bit easier and head down in a cool fashion. Again it was the funicular that took us. Back in Cittá Alta we walked along the main street looking for a restaurant, but we were actually back in Cittá Bassa before we found something of interest. Cittá Alta is very touristy when it comes to food and the prices were quite high too.

Some local pasta later and a stop to pick up our bags and we were soon on the bus to the airport. Four great days in Italy with so many impressions from four fascinating towns. With the start in Pisa, followed by Florence and Milan, and the last stop in beautiful Bergamo. It felt like a good way to spend a short stop in Italy. We will see when we return next time.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Len Kagami

    Wow! The view from Castello di San Vigilio is aboslutely stunning!

    1. Jesper

      It is indeed, really worth the climb up all the steps. 🙂

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