Hronsek, Exploring Slovakia, Articular wooden church of Hronsek, Artikulárny drevený kostol Hronsek

Hronsek – Exploring Slovakia

While exploring Slovakia, we have sometimes come across really small places. Sometimes they are so small that it’s almost impossible to find any information about them. Hronsek is such a small town, with little more than 600 inhabitants. The town stands by the second-longest river in Slovakia, the Hron. It is not far from Zvolen and Banská Bystrica. We are talking about 20 minutes by car, so a day trip from either one of the cities is definitely possible. The town has a few interesting sights, which means that a quick stop here is worthwhile.

A Short History of Hronsek

Historical records mention the town in 1500. Sources suggest that the creation of the village dates to the 13th-14th centuries. After that date, the town has apparently changed its name several times. The current name is from 1946. The town had some religious importance, considering that there is an articular wooden church there. These churches were for Evangelical congregations in Slovakia and they were restricted to the terms of the Congress of Sopron of 1681. Each county could have only two such churches and they had to be built outside the city walls.

3 Things to See in Hronsek

Articular wooden church of Hronsek

The Articular wooden church of Hronsek, or Artikulárny drevený kostol Hronsek in Slovak, is a large wooden church in the center of the village. The church dates back to 1725 and is the only wooden church in Slovakia that bears influences of Scandinavian architecture. It is a big church, as it can fit 1,100 worshippers in an amphitheater-style arrangement. All in all, there are five articular churches in Slovakia today. The church has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2008. Read more about the church here >>

Vodný hrad

In English, the name of this building would be the Water Castle. It is a castle or mansion house dating back to the 14th century, the reconstruction is from 1576. The Gothic-Renaissance mansion is the oldest building in the village. It has a private owner and the building is not open to the public.

Kaštiel v Hronseku

The Hronsek Manor House is a manor house dating back to the year 1775. It is baroque building with bastions. The municipality owns this building and each year the town celebrates a festive day here. On that day both the building and its gardens are open to the public.

If you know Slovak, you can read more about the town here >>

Going to Hronsek?

Hronsek is in the central part of Slovakia. It is easily accessible by car as it is located close to a few big roads such as E77.

  • Car: The village is along road E77 between Banská Bystrica and Zvolen.
  • Bus: The best option is to go to either Zvolen or Banská Bystrica and find a local bus that takes you to Hronsek.

The driving distance to Hronsek from 3 major Slovak cities, according to Google Maps:

Bratislava– 205 kilometers (1 h 58 min)
Žilina – 100 kilometers (1 h 35 min)
Košice – 241 kilometers (2 h 49 min)

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