Härkeberga, Uppland, Exploring Sweden

Härkeberga, Uppland – Exploring Sweden

Härkeberga is the church village of the former parish that had its center and church in this small village. With its approximately 180 inhabitants, the village is today a part of Enköping Municipality and Uppsala County. What makes this one of the more interesting stops in the province of Uppland is the farmstead Kaplangården.

A Short History of Härkeberga

The first known mentioning of Härkeberga dates back to the early 14th century. The name is believed to describe lean and stony soil, not very beneficial for farming. It was also in the 14th century that the church opened its doors.

Härkeberga earlier had a station along the railway between Enköping and Uppsala. The railway opened in 1912 and the station closed down in 1968. The village is since 1971 a part of the Enköping Municipality.

Things to Do and See

One of the main attractions is probably the chaplain farm that is owned by the Nordic Museum. In addition, the village and its surroundings have both nature to enjoy and ancient remains to discover.

Härkeberga Kaplansgård

Härkeberga Kaplangård is a chaplain farm consisting of 17 timber buildings, a few of which date back to the 17th century. The Nordic Museum in Stockholm owns the farmstead since 1929 and nowadays it’s an open-air museum where anyone can walk around and enjoy the scenery.

Härkeberga Church

Härkeberga Church is a small white church dating back to the 14th century. It has a separate clock tower outside of its walls that dates back to the 17th century. Parts of the internal paintings are believed to have been made by Albertus Pictor in the 15th century. He was one of the most famous Swedish painters in the late medieval times.

How to Get to Härkeberga

  • Flights: The closest airport is Stockholm Västerås Airport (VST), 43 kilometers away, which has mostly low-cost carriers. In addition, there is Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (ARN), 53 kilometers away with both domestic and international flights.
  • Car: Härkeberga is close to the E4 a bit outside of Enköping.
  • Bus: Local and regional buses from UL connect Härkeberga with the surrounding region.
  • Train: SJ has trains to and from nearby Enköping and connects the area with Gothenburg, Hallsberg, Stockholm, and Västerås.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 72 kilometers (56 min)
  • Gothenburg – 420 kilometers (5 h 2 min)
  • Malmö – 641 kilometers (6 h 53 min)
  • Linköping – 216 kilometers (2 h 46 min)
  • Kiruna – 1203 kilometers (14 h 1 min)

Find out more about other destinations in Sweden by visiting our page Exploring Sweden

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