Grong, Trøndelag, Namdalen, Exploring Norway

Grong, Namdalen – Exploring Norway

Grong is a locality and the administrative center of the Grong Municipality. It is also known under the name Mediå, which is the local district that includes the center and most of the residential buildings. It is in the district of Namdalen in Trøndelag County, in central Norway. The around 1100 inhabitants live along the shores of the river Namsen and Sanddøla, as the two rivers merge just to the southwest of the center. The locality also has a separate name in the local Sàmi dialect which is Kråangke.

A Short History of Grong

The Namsen River was for a long time an important transport route for timber, and forestry and farming have been the traditional occupations of the area. The municipality later developed its energy production, with five power plants now within its borders. These three sectors still employ many people within the municipality.

Things to Do and See

There are several sights around the locality, mostly connected with the surrounding nature. The two rivers offer several viewpoints of the running water and the nearby hills offer good possibilities for hiking. In addition, there is a center with shops offering the necessary necessities for travelers driving along the main road north to south through Norway. Well, it might also be south to north depending on your destination.

Grong Bygdemuseum

This is the local heritage museum located in nearby Bergsmoen. It works as an open-air museum with several traditional buildings. It is a museum that is also used for many different events, both private and public.

Grong Church

Grong Church, or kirke in Norwegian, stands to the west of the locality and is a white wooden church dating back to 1877. It is a parish church belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway.

Heimdalshaugen (1159 meters)

About 30 kilometers north of Grong is the mountain of Heimdalshaugen. It reaches a height of 1159 meters above the sea and is one of the options for adventurers looking for a mountain hike.

Grong Skisenter

A few kilometers south of the locality is the local ski center. It is along the slopes of the mountain Geitfjellet, reaching 872 meters above the sea. The center has four lifts taking skiers up to the 15 possible routes of descent.

How to Get to Grong

  • Flights: Trondheim Airport (TRD) is 170 kilometers to the south. It offers both domestic and international flights.
  • Car: Grong is along the E6, between Mosjøen and Trondheim.
  • Train: The railway connects Grong with Bodø and Trondheim as well as other stations along the Nordland Line.

The driving distance from 5 major Norwegian cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Oslo – 688 kilometers (8 h 52 min)
  • Bergen – 824 kilometers (12 h 16 min)
  • Trondheim – 201 kilometers (2 h 55 min)
  • Narvik – 698 kilometers (10 h 2 min)
  • Kirkenes – 1367 kilometers (17 h 5 min)

Find out more about other destinations in Norway by visiting our page Exploring Norway

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