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Weeks 14 and 15 – And We Talked About…

It’s time again to summarize weeks 14 and 15. But first, hello people! How are you? Here the sun is finally showing up and we are looking forward to some upcoming trips. This week our only trip was to what is supposed to be the biggest mall in Scandinavia. It’s actually called Mall of Scandinavia. And it’s not all that impressive. Avoid it if you don’t like people!

But now. Weeks 14 and 15 on the blog, what did we talk about?

Weeks 14 and 15: Exploring Sweden

As we live in Sweden, we have the opportunity to explore this oblong country. Once in a while we visit friends in other cities or go for a day trip. We have recently started a series called Exploring Sweden and in the past couple of weeks we have written a few posts on the topic.

Trosa is a lovely seaside town and in summertime it attracts a lot of tourists. You can read more about it here >>

Västerås is one of the oldest cities in Sweden and Northern Europe. It has a lovely historic centre and it is a good destination for a day or two. Find out more about our thoughts on Västerås here >>

Stockholm is always relevant to us as it is our current home town. Sometimes we just take long walks to explore the city and to take a lot of photos. This is what Stockholm looked like on one Sunday morning last August >>

Weeks 14 and 15: Towns Around the Baltic Sea & Adiós Argentina

Apparently the Baltic Sea also inspired our writing (and travelling) in the last few weeks. We visited Tallinn and wrote about it here >>

Throwback Thursday took us to Turku – the oldest city and the Christmas capital in Finland. What’s there not to like about that?? Read more about Turku >>

Also the Åland Islands are known for there proximity to the Baltic Sea. We go there quite often, and we try to keep up a guide about places to visit. Our most recent post is about the Kungsö Battery, an old Russian military fortification. Click here if you want to know more >>

In a post about Buenos Aires we bid farewell to Argentina. For now. As they say in Spanish: No me digas adiós, sino hasta luego! Read all about La Boca, Bolivian festivities and other things here >>

Weeks 14 and 15: The Odd One Out

We did not do much philosophizing during these weeks but we did share a recipe for purple pizza. Do you feel intrigued? Find out about purple pizza here >> 

Spring has finally arrived in Stockholm and Kungsträdgården is in full bloom.

And here’s one thought for next week: “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein.

Friends, remember to be curious!

Happy Travels!

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