Weekend inspiration

Weekend Inspiration: 4 Things To Love Right Now

It’s (finally) Friday and I thought I’d share some weekend inspiration. August has begun and in my world it means that fall is slowly making its entrance. I find that fall is a season when inspiration strikes. In my world it’s not the beginning of the end, rather it’s always a new beginning. I still remember how I used the count the days for school to start. Well, there is no more school but that does not mean that I won’t get out my diary and start planning. Right now I’m “planning the fall”.

These are the things to love right now.

Weekend Inspiration #1: Fall Trips & Other Events

August means that it’s almost fall. And that it turn means that it is time to plan cozy weekend trips, crayfish parties, and other fun events with friends. This is the time to go for a boat ride, have deep conversations over a steaming cup of tea, or admire how the nature is getting ready for winter. Think long walks and lovely cafés. I love the colors of fall and they definitely do serve as a source of inspiration this weekend.

And trips. I’d say that the perfect travel destination this time of the year is London. The mist, the rain, the books. The romance of it all. What do you think, what is your favorite destination this time of the year?

Weekend inspiration

Weekend Inspiration #2: Increasing Your Knowledge

Knowledge is good for you and there are two things that I find exceptionally inspiring at the moment in terms of learning. Firstly, all the daily posts I get to read in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by Sark eMedia. I think it’s amazing when people share their knowledge with the world. That’s the way it should be! Secondly, I might have fallen in love with Coursera. At the moment I’m listening to lectures about digital marketing and writing in English. Both of these courses are very useful to me – both professionally and personally.

This fall I will also check for some language exchange possibilities in Stockholm. Last spring I attended a Spanish book circle and it was such fun. I met some very interesting people and also had the chance to brush up on my language skills.

How about you, what will you be learning this fall?

Weekend inspiration

Weekend Inspiration #3: Fashion & Interior Design

I might be the least fashionable person out there but then fall arrives, my inner fashionista wakes up. Or something like that. Anyhow, I just love making changes this time of the year . And I’m really looking forward to updating our home. There’s a travel theme going on there as well.

Do you make (radical) changes in the fall?

Weekend Inspiration #4: Quiet Reflection

Last but not least, fall is the time for quiet reflection. It is the time to gather thoughts while enjoying the soft air or to be creative. That is one of the things I intend to do this weekend, to go for a long walk and be inspired by the silence and the nature.

Weekend inspiration

Tell us, what inspires you right now?



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nice post susann, like the quotes, I like the Autumn (fall) and soring for the same reasons, they are both new beginnings, . The Autumn because it’s a time for rest and replenishment, gathering thoughts and spring because it’s about coming back refreshed and revitalised ready to move into new arenas. Good luck with planning your fall

  2. runningtotravel

    Lovely post. After such a hot summer, I too am looking forward to fall and cooler days and nights. I’ll definitely have to consider some of your ideas.

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