Week 8 – This Week We Talked About….

Week 8 and Sunday, time to summarise the week. Hello from the boat again! Outside the sun is shining and the sea is so very blue. I am on my way back to Sweden from a short weekend trip on the Åland Islands. Speaking of the Åland Islands, we have introduced something very exciting on the blog. You will find out what that is at the end of this post. We hope that you have had a great week and that you are enjoying a relaxing Sunday!

Week 8: Blog Posts

This week we continued our various series. In our post about the Gambia, we talked about our day trip to Albreda, Juffureh and the Kunta Kinteh Island. That tour called Roots was indeed an awakening experience that led to reflection. The trip to the Gambia taught us a lot, and this was one of the most challenging experience we had there. You can read more about it here >>

We also have a series about Bratislava and this week we published a post about one of the main landmarks of the city – Most SNP, also known as the UFO Bridge. Click here to read more about it >>

We love eating and one of the true joys of travelling is the possibility to try new foods. Slovak cuisine is not so very famous abroad. We would like to thank our readers for all the comments, we were given some really great recommendations! If you are planning a trip to Slovakia, you can find tips on what foods to try here >>

Last but not least we made an attempt to be philosophical about Wanderlust and restless feet. What do you think? Are you suffering from restless feet and a will to wander the world? Read and comment on the post here >>

Week 8: News on the Blog

At the beginning of this post, I promised you something fantastic. If you are planning a holiday or a vacation to the beautiful Åland Islands, do check out our guide! We would really like to make this as good as possible, so do not hesitate to send us your feedback. The same applies to our Bratislava guide. You find it here >>

Last but not least, here’s a thought for week 9. Last night was quite long and sleepless, and there was quite a bit of talking about this world and where it’s going. There are a lot of scary things happening, let’s not forget about all the good things and the good people making the world such a fantastic place!


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