Vårdinge, Södermanland, Exploring Sweden

Vårdinge, Södermanland – Exploring Sweden

Vårdinge is a small settlement with the parish church at its center. This was once the seat of the local parish, a parish with origins in the Middle Ages. It is a short distance to the east of Gnesta in the historical province of Södermanland in eastern Sweden. This area is today part of Södertälje Municipality in Stockholm County.

A Short History of Vårdinge

Vårdinge Parish has its origins in the Middle Ages and its church is believed to have been built in the 12th century. The church was for centuries the center of social and religious life in the area. The parish was in operation until the Swedish Municipal Reform of 1862. This was when the parish’s responsibilities were split between the local government of Vårdinge Municipality and the church congregation. The municipality was in 1952 incorporated into Järna Municipality in 1952, which in turn became a part of Södertälje Municipality in 1971. The church congregation has been unchanged and is still known as Vårdinge Congregation.

Things to Do and See

The parish has a lot of nature with lakes, forests, and farmland all around. Lake Sillen is right next door and is one of the larger lakes in the area, stretching from Gnesta all the way to Vagnhärad. The lake is popular for outdoor activities such as canoeing. Otherwise, it is the church that is the main attraction in the area. This medieval building does have a lot of stories to tell.

Vårdinge Church

The parish church is believed to have been built in the 12th century. After many alterations during the centuries since it got its current appearance in the 1820s. This white stone church is today a part of Vårdinge Congregation within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden.


The large red building next to the church is known as Sockenstugan – the parish house. The building was built in the mid-19th century and has had many functions since. It still today belongs to the church and is used for local events, including private events.

How to Get to Vårdinge

  • Flights: The closest airport is Stockholm Skavsta Airport (NYO) which is 49 kilometers to the southwest.
  • Car: Vårdinge lies along countryside roads east of Gnesta.
  • Train: The nearest train station is in Gnesta.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 63 kilometers (52 min)
  • Gothenburg – 412 kilometers (4 h 42 min)
  • Malmö – 556 kilometers (6 h 15 min)
  • Linköping – 145 kilometers (1 h 35 min)
  • Kiruna – 1294 kilometers (15 h 7 min)

Explore More of Södermanland and Sweden

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