travel bucket list

On Our Travel Bucket List: 20 + 1 Fantastic Destinations

Once in a while, I come across people’s bucket lists and usually, they are full of fun and exciting travel destinations. So, I thought about it and decided to write my own travel bucket list. These are destinations I have dreamt of as young. There are also some more recent additions. And it is not only about visiting places, it is also about experiencing something new. Actually, not all of these are new places either. I have learned that the world is full of places that I’d love to return to. So, let’s dream away for a while: here’s our travel bucket list. Enjoy!

The Travel Bucket List: 20 + 1 Places You Don’t Want to Miss

  1. Road trip in the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania)

    We have visited all three countries before, but our visits have been short and usually we’ve stayed in the capital cities. I would love to spend more time in all three of the countries, and it would be fantastic to have the time to explore all the small villages and charming towns in the region.

  2. Swimming in the Pacific Ocean (and visit Polynesia)

    Tahiti has always been on my list – ever since I read a mystery novel about Nancy Drew as a child. I remember the book was set in Papeete and I was very intrigued by the location and the name of the place.

  3. Have a coffee in Portland

  4. Live in southern Europe for a longer period of time

    Been there, done that. Sometimes I really do miss the easy-going way of life with warm café con leche, the bars, the sun, the people. I also enjoyed northern Italy very much last summer, and I’d like to explore the country even more. Sicily is on my travel bucket list (even though I’m not sure I’d like to live there…)

  5. Visit Greece

    This wouldn’t be the first time, but there is still so much left to discover. I have been to Athens before, as well as to a couple of islands. But I’d love to return to Athens and just soak in its history. And it would be amazing to visit Santorini. Not to mention Crete. And then there are a lot of other islands. Thessaloniki is also on our list.

  6. Road trip in the Balkans

    Yay for another road trip. I have always found this region very fascinating – historically, politically, and culturally. I’m also very much in love with Slavic languages, so it would be heaven for me.

  7. Yoga retreat in Bali

    I’m probably not the first person with this idea, it feels so predictable. However, I’d love to attend a yoga retreat and I’m not exactly jumping for joy at the thought of India. I know I’m probably wrong about India, but huge crowds of people scare me. So Bali would probably be a good choice.

  8. Lush Sri Lanka seems to be a popular destination at the moment

  9. Kyoto

    Japan is definitely on our travel bucket list and I think Kyoto tops it. What springs to my mind are wellbeing (good food, hot springs) and ancient history, and a truly fascinating culture.

  10. China

    I suspect that China holds a clear place number one on Jesper’s travel bucket list. And why not? I cannot even fathom the vastness and variety of that country. The problem is that we’d really need a lot of time to see everything.

  11. Family time in South East Asia

    Ahh. One thing that I have learned is that sometimes it is OK to be predictable. It’s completely fine to do what everyone else is already doing. Beach, good food, and warm weather. Yes, please! And of course, there’s always the option to explore the countries a little further.

  12. Macchu Picchu

  13. See more of Argentina & visit Chile

    We visited Argentina in 2015 and one of my regrets is that we didn’t have more time to explore the country. Mendoza, Rosario, and Patagonia are all places that I want to see. And while in Argentina, why not go to Chile as well. It was actually on our initial itinerary but we ended up spending more time in Uruguay instead. Our choice was not a bad one, but it means that Chile deserves a place on our travel bucket list.

  14. India

    A huge country with so much history.

  15. Bruges

    OK, let’s be honest here. I have always thought of Belgium as a little bit boring. Brussels proved me wrong. However, Bruges has been on my travel bucket list for as long as I can remember. Friends have spoken so warmly about it, and there’s something so intriguing about this city and its history.

  16. South of France

    Ask almost any European, and they will have been to France. I’ve never been to France, and this is probably something that should be fixed asap. Jesper really likes the southern parts of the country.

  17. The Canary Islands

    A few years ago I read a travel story about hiking on the Canary Islands, and ever since I have been wanting to go there. Again it’s a touristic destination where everyone’s already been. But does that really matter?

  18. North of Spain and Camino de Santiago de Compostela 

    Would be possible to combine with the South of France, especially a trip to the Basque Country and Asturias! Camino de Santiago de Compostela? Even though I’m not religious, I’d love to experience the wonderful nature along el Camino de Santiago de Compostela.

  19. Horseback riding on the Silk Road

    This is an old dream of mine, originating to the times when I was actively horseback riding. Imagine the feeling of freedom when galloping on the vast Kyrgyz fields. It’s not a bad thought at all, huh?

  20. Intriguing Belarus

    Some people dream of going to the beach, others want to visit Belarus. And suddenly it’s a lot easier since Belarus has introduced a five-day visa-free regime for citizens of over 80 countries. Here we come!

  21. Taking the train to all the splendor in St. Petersburg

    There are regular trains between Helsinki and St. Peterburg, and this is an easy way to catch a glimpse of Russia. I’ve traveled by train between Helsinki and Moscow, and it was so much fun. Sankt Petersburg is one of those cities that everyone should experience in their lifetime, I reckon.

I just realized that I forgot Iceland. Cuba should also be on this travel bucket list, as should Armenia in the Caucasus. Oh, well. Now tell us, what’s on your travel bucket list?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Marlene

    If you need some advice on south of France, feel free to ask as I live there 😉

    1. Jesper

      Thank you, Marlene. 🙂
      The places I have so far seen in the south of France have been really beautiful, so I really hope to be able to show Susann places like Toulouse and Carcassonne one day. What town or area would you advise us not to miss if we go to the region? 🙂

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