welcome November

It’s November And We Write About Travel

Welcome November!

November is probably the rainiest month of the year – at least here in Sweden. Now we are in the weeks when the Christmas lights are not yet brightening the streets and people are incredibly tired. I’m seriously considering the possibility of converting myself into a Moomin and sleep until March.

So, what better way to cheer up in these dark times than thinking about travels to come? 

For November I have quite a few trips planned – all of which will take me to familiar (and loved) places. I can already see myself enjoying the lovely Christmas market in Bratislava, browsing books in the cozy bookshops in Budapest, and wandering the streets of cool (and windy) Helsinki. These places mean so much to me.

Bratislava means good times, delicious food, and a certain sense of je ne sais quoi. Hungary (fingers and toes crossed we manage to go all the way there) I’m just in love with. Just hearing the language makes me all mushy in the knees. (I think I just made up that expression). It’s been too long since we last walked the streets of Budapest, I believe it’s time to go there now. And good ol’ Helsinki – the capital of the country that I still consider (in its good days) my home.  I do like the city, it’s very charming and it has a unique feel to it compared to other European capitals.

Other great things about November.

10 things to do in November

Lately a lot of people have been talking about the importance of a positive mindset. So, here you go – a list of 10 things to enjoy in November. It’s time to beat the November blues (or at least eat or sleep it away!).

  1. It’s OK to stay in all day. Who wants to get wet anyway?
  2. There’s a chance all those Christmas parties will start this month.
  3. Pumpkin pies and pumpkin lattes!
  4. The early bird catches the worm and all that -> go Christmas shopping!
  5. Mulled wine and delicious snacks at Christmas markets – do I need to say more?
  6. In case you decided to stay in – now you’ll have the chance to finish all those unread books.
  7. How about escaping the darkness and the rain and go somewhere sunny and warm?
  8. It’s the perfect time for lighting candles and drinking delicious tea.
  9. Is there anything more romantic than listening to the raindrops hitting the window?
  10. You can sleep more without feeling too bad about it.

What will you do in order to beat the November blues?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. girlonrock

    Love this list! What a great way to look at it. I love those dreary days. Something in the quality of the light, I think. : )

    1. Susann

      Hi and thanks for your comment! Yes, I think there’s something very attractive about the melancholy of this time of the year – even though it’s very tiring☺

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