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Lahti, Finland – A Different Kind of Holiday, Unexpected But Good!

We had a great holiday plan when we entered the ferry last Tuesday evening. Our plan was to see as many places as possible and visit relatives. Oh well, sometimes life doesn’t go the way you want it to go. The cold hit Little A first. As a result, we all slept poorly as she was coughing through the night. Now that she’s better, Jesper is down with a cold. I’m not feeling all that great either. In other words, we are having a very different kind of holiday. However, I think that’s life and you just need to enjoy it.

Now that it’s our last day here in Lahti, I’d like to look back at our different kind of holiday.

The Positive Aspects of This Different Kind of Holiday

Little A is asleep, Jesper went for a walk, and I’m enjoying my coffee. It’s very quiet here. Even though we haven’t been our usual energetic selves, it has not been a bad holiday.

  1. A couple of days ago, we met some old friends and took a walk. It was very nice to catch up while enjoying the beautiful nature.
  2. Even though we’ve been ill, we have walked quite a bit. Lahti really is a city for walking!
  3. Almost every day there have been relatives visiting us. I have a lot of aunts and cousins. We don’t see each other much, but I’d love to be better at keeping touch.
  4. The weather! Winter was showing its brightest side now that there are only a few moments left of it. Today we are experiencing one last (?) blizzard, but it’s the first day with bad weather for us. The week until now has been offering blue skies and sunshine. According to the forecast, temperatures will rise to 20 degrees Celsius on my birthday.

We are already talking about returning here in summer. As far as this different kind of holiday is concerned, it was not as bad as it sounds!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. We Travel Happy

    Hi Susann, thanks for visiting my blog earlier. I got to know yours and what a delight! There is so much on your blog that I know I’d be reading. When Covid is over we’d be planning a trip to Finland and Sweden or Norway and I just couldn’t wait to do that. Meanwhile, I’ll just enjoy your posts. I’ll start with your posts on Sweden and Finland 🙂 — Amor

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