Travelling In 2016

January is already here and now it’s time to look ahead. Traveling in 2016 – here are our plans, dreams, and goals for the year ahead. And maybe some challenges as well. When we write about countries we have visited or countries that we would like to visit, we are always referring to countries that we have been to/want to go to together. Believe it or not, we did do some traveling before we met each other.

Traveling in 2016 – what we want to do

    • Visit more countries than in 2015

This year is starting well – we are already abroad 🙂 In 2015 we visited 13 countries (read more about it here and here), so the goal for 2016 is to see at least 14 different countries.

  • Visit at least 5 new countries

We have one coming up in February (so exciting!), we’ll see what other countries we will be able to squeeze into our schedule. There are so many places to see but so little time!

  • Visit at least 1 new continent 

We have all the A’s left. A little hint, the country we will visit in February is one of these mysterious A’s.

Argentina BA 1
Our little friend in Buenos Aires
  • Incorporate some fitness routines when travelling

This is Susann’s challenge. Jesper is fit as it is. I find that going on trips interrupts my training routines. It’s so difficult to stick to that routine as it is, so going abroad is a welcome break. The problem is that it’s so difficult to pick up where I left when returning home, So, I need to find a way to eliminate those breaks.

USA Miami 2


I think that travelling becomes a way of life after a while. I call myself the reluctant traveller, but it’s truly an addicitve acitivity – I recommend it to all of you.


“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant sensations in the world. You are surrounded by adventure.”

    – Freya Stark

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Roy Miller

    I envy your ability to travel to that many countries in a year.

    1. Jesper

      We are lucky in the way that we have so many countries so close by. It is quite common that we visit two countries on the same trip, such as a side trip to Vienna when in Bratislava. 🙂

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