Merry Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas

  • Post author:
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:2016-12-25
  • Post category:English / Thoughts
  • Post comments:1 Comment

It’s time to say Merry Christmas! Once again the Christmas holidays have arrived and we are waiting for the rest of the family to arrive. As I hope is the case for most of you, this is probably the highlight of the day. At least for the first few moments until you long for that calm to return when everyone has gone back home.

This year we are celebrating the holiday in Vagnhärad, Sweden. This is where Jesper grew up and where the majority of his relatives still live. The other half of the family is on the Åland Islands. There is a lack of snow this year, but it seems like we will have the opportunity to enjoy a few hours of sunshine instead. Sunshine at the end of December is also something to be happy about.

We wish you a very peaceful holiday filled with happiness, joy and a lot of laughter. 

Merry Christmas, Santa ClausMerry Christmas 2016

As we have had the opurtunity to visit 16 countries this year, here is a greeting in each of the main languages of those countries.

  • Austria
    • German:  Frohe Weihnachten
  • Czech Republic
    • Czech:  Veselé Vánoce
  • Denmark
    • Danish: Glædelig Jul
  • Estonia
    • Estonian:  Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi
  • Finland
    • Finnish:  Hyvää joulua
    • Sami: Buorrit Juovllat
    • Swedish: God jul
  • Gambia
    • English: Merry Christmas
  • Georgia
    • Georgian: გილოცავ შობა-ახალ წელს
  • Hungary
    • Hungarian: Boldog karácsonyt
  • Italy
    • Italian: Buon Natale
  • Namibia
    • Afrikaans: Geseënde Kersfees
    • German:  Frohe Weihnachten
    • English: Merry Christmas
  • Qatar
    • Arabic: عيد ميلاد مجيد
  • Senegal
    • French: Joyeux Noël
  • Slovakia
    • Slovak: Veselé Vianoce
  • South Africa
    • Afrikaans: Geseënde Kersfees
    • English: Merry Christmas
    • Ndebele: Ukresimusi omnandi
    • Northern Sotho: Mahlogonolo a Keresemose
    • Sesotho: Keresemese e monate
    • Swazi: Khisimusi lomuhle
    • Tsonga: A ku ve Khisimusi lerinene
    • Tswana: Masego a Keresemose
    • Xhosa: Krismesi emnandi
    • Zulu: UKhisimusi omuhle
  • Sweden
    • Swedish: God jul
  • United Kingdom
    • English: Merry Christmas

We hope that you all will have an amazing holiday and a happy and successful 2017.

Merry Christmas 2016

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