
Expat Life: Hello, Prague!

Welcome to our new series about living and working abroad. As this is such a fascinating topic, we have approached some of our friends and family who live abroad and we asked them to tell us about their experiences and their new home. Let’s start with the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic – Prague.

Interview: Living And Working In Prague

We met our Finnish friends Johan and Kati in Bratislava, Slovakia. After a little over a year in Slovakia, we walked our separated ways. So we sent some questions to Johan and Kati and here are their thoughts about life in the Czech Republic. I write about Prague, but as the case is with many people around Europe, our friends actually live outside the city. In fact their new home town is called Kralupy nad Vltavou. The town belongs to the Prague metropolitan area and it’s located some 25 kilometers from the Czech capital.

Question 1. Why did you move to your current city? How long have you been living there?

Answer: The area is close to Prague but still very affordable house prices. Quiet city with all necessary services. Good connections to Prague. We have lived there for soon 4 months (as of May 2016).

Question 2. Was the move easy/difficult? Why, why not?

Answer: The move was actually easier than expected. We had an external company helping us with paper work and contact with different instances.

Question 3. What do you wish you’d known about your destination before moving there?

Answer: We did quite good research so no bigger surprises have come yet.

Question 4. What’s your greatest moment in your new place (if not too personal)?

Answer:  There have been many good moments, hard to choose from them all

Question 5. Which unusual place/s (or off the beaten track) would you recommend to tourists and why?

Answer: There is a lot of marked hiking areas all around the Czech Republic. Everything from less than 1 km to whole day walks. Prague 6 is very nice with large parks and beautiful nature just outside of Prague city center.

We thank Johan and Kati for their answers and we wish them all the best and a lot of luck in foreign lands!

How about you, do you live abroad? Do you like it? What are the pros and cons?


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Est Lawton

    Wow! Loving the quote from Hannah Arendt, lol, I studied a bit of her stuff a few years ago. Your blog is amazing! Pics are beautiful. I like living abroad. There are so many pros, like better work life balance, more space, people are happier with the way their country is run in Sweden, and people are generally quite well looked after and value family life. But meeting new people opens your eyes and makes you less self-centred in the way you see the world I think. The cons are that I can’t speak very good Swedish, and you take for granted how important words are for self expression. I obviously miss friends and family. And English countryside 🙂 Thanks for your post. I look forward to checking back in.

  2. FabioRosado

    Prague is amazing and after spending a weekend there, I felt in love with the city!
    Living in such a vibrant and stunning city must be an one of a kind experience and I would love to do it one day.
    I left Portugal one day and drove 26 hours to start a new life in the UK, it has been a very interesting experience full of ups and downs, but I don’t regret one little bit and I’m quite happy!

    Moving abroad is a scary thing at first, but after that adjustment phase passed everything becomes much easier.

    1. Susann

      Yes, I think Prague has that effect on people 🙂

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