About Västerbotten

Västerbotten is located in Swedish Norrland, one of the three traditional lands that make up Sweden. It lies along the shores of the Bothnian Bay and Kvarken. These are the two most northern parts of the Baltic Sea.

Västerbotten, which today has a population of around 226.000, was for centuries sparsely populated. It was first during the 18th century that the population started to grow. It is very common to find a combination of church and market towns around the province. Du to the long distances, the churches, and their services became a meeting point for the surrounding villages.

Largest City: Umeå
Province Flower: “Kung Karls spira” (Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum)
Province Animal: Eurasian curlew

Västerbottens landskapsvapen

Places to Explore in Västerbotten

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