Boston, Massachusetts, Highlights in Boston, United States

Boston, Massachusetts – Highlights in Boston

Hello! This is Susann writing about the highlights in Boston. When we started to plan our trip to North America, it was my wish that we’d spend at least a couple of days here. As a matter of fact, Boston was one of the cities on my list. As far as the US is concerned, that list also includes Denver and Chicago. As well as some other places after this visit. Anyway, when choosing a destination, I like places that are rich in history, where you can walk and where you spend at least a few hours in a decent book store.

And I mean, how can you miss a city that has hosted a large-scale tea party? Or that is boasting with great sports teams? Not to mention excellent higher education? Add to that the fact that everybody claims it to be a city where you can walk a lot.

I really enjoyed Boston, it was a really nice city to visit. Really, I tend to say that I’m European more than anything and this place felt like it could have been on this side of the pond.

The city has a lot of history, it’s walkable, and there are a lot of things to do there. Best of all, it really is a place of knowledge. In this post, I will write down the highlights in Boston.

Highlights In Boston

  1. The city itself and its atmosphere. As I mentioned above, the city center is very walkable. It is also very compact. I very much liked the seafood we had on our first day in the Boston Public Market. Walking along the quays was also nice, especially since we were really lucky with the weather. Other interesting places were Beacon Hill, Boston Common, and also the financial district. It felt like we had enough time to explore, although truth to be told, we only saw a small part of the center.
  2. Cambridge. While Jesper watched hockey, I decided to take a short train ride to Cambridge. Right across the Charles River, you find some of the best universities in the world, including Harvard and MIT. Of course, I had to go there! After visiting the Harvard Book Store, I found a nice chair on campus, enjoying the atmosphere while reading. There is something very relaxing about university campuses! In other words, my inner geek was very happy.
  3. Day trips. We stayed in Boston for two days so we didn’t have time to squeeze in many day trips. However, one of the highlights in Boston was our trip to Salem. There is so much history there! Here I really must mention the Boston skyline, it was so amazing to see when we arrived by boat from Salem. As we stayed in Revere, it really wasn’t a day trip for us. We do recommend it, though.

Back To Boston?

All in all, I think the below quote by Mark Twain sums it up quite nicely. Now, I’ve never been to New York nor Philly, but Boston sure felt like my cup of tea.

“In Boston they ask, how much does he know? In New York, how much is he worth? In Philadelphia, who were his parents?”
― Mark Twain

I’m quite happy we decided to stop in Boston on our way from Montréal to Northern California. It certainly would be great to return someday, especially I’d like to explore the area around the city. In general, I’ve created some sort of fascination with New England. Like Maine, I’d definitely like to go to Maine. And Vermont.

We will continue our trip, read more about our adventure in North America here >>

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