Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Father & Daughter Time in the Canary Islands, Spain

Corralejo, Fuerteventura – Father & Daughter Time in the Canary Islands

Have you as a dad ever traveled alone with your daughter when she was really young? If not, then you have missed something amazing. I first traveled alone with Little A when she was about one year old and we flew to Kiruna in northern Sweden. That time we met up with my parents, but a few years later in 2020 Little A was soon to be three years old when we traveled to Malta.

Then the pandemic came and new trips like that weren’t an option for a few years. That was up until this spring. Susann and I looked at different travel alternatives and it resulted in a new trip booked for the now 5-year-old Little A and me. It was time to head to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. More specifically, our destination was an all-inclusive hotel in the town of Corralejo. We were going to be back in Sweden just a few days before Little A’s sixth birthday.

Departing for the Sun of the Canary Islands

We had a fairly early flight from Stockholm Arlanda Airport, so we left Vagnhärad way too early for our own liking. But that didn’t matter, we both had an adventure to look forward to. We parked the car, checking in our one bag, and then finally we were able to greet Arlanda’s mascot Mr. Flajt when passing through security.

One thing I like when traveling with Little A is that she shares my ability to sleep during the flights. We spent the hours down to Fuerteventura playing on our Nintendo Switches, eating lunch, and sleeping, making it quite an uneventful flight.

Sunshine greeted us upon our arrival at Fuerteventura Airport. A bus ride later we checked into our hotel and had a first glance at the different pools. This is what Little A had looked forward to, swimming in the many pools that she had only seen the photos of prior to the trip. The surprise, though, for Little A was the All inclusive, that we could just walk to the restaurant for dinner and have a lot of choices. It took most of the week before Little A could really grasp what it was all about.

Exploring Corralejo

More about spending time at the pool or in the All-Inclusive restaurant later on. Right or wrong, but I actually used both of these and some other treats as rewards for Little A for joining me in exploring the nearby town. Most days we began with a walk through Corralejo after breakfast, before it got too hot outdoors at lunchtime. She got a few treats along the way, such as being allowed to do some small shopping, but generally, she was happy to join. Our walks were usually between four and six kilometers and we got to enjoy the area outside of the hotel.

Three things stood out during these walks. The first was the very long shopping street of Corralejo. Yes, the content in each store was fairly similar. There were, however, a few of the normal stores with branded goods. Secondly, we both enjoyed the view along the coast. The small sandy beaches with the black lava cliffs towards the sea. They did create a very unique scenery. The third and last was the island of Lanzarote. It really is not far from Fuerteventura.The fact that it was possible to see across the strait to this other vulcanic island was in itself quite fascinating. Sadly we didn’t have time to take the ferry across the strait to explore yet one more of the Canary Islands.

Spending Some Quality Father-Daugther Time at the Hotel

It was, however, not exploring the island that would be the highlight of the week. It was to see how happy Little A was when playing in the pools. Seeing her confidence in the water increasing hour by hour, day by day. We spent many hours in the deep pool and she also got to play around a lot in the shallower kids pool.

In addition to the pools, we tried the miniature golf, which she was able to concentrate quite well on for the first five or six holes. Something she liked even more than the golf was the kids’ club. Yes, it might be babysitting, but she liked to sit down for an hour or two in the shades while doing easier crafts. For me, it was a time to plan the following hours while she was occupied at the kids’ club.

Once more, to see your kid’s development, with the confidence increasing day by day really is an amazing thing to see. This is all made easier when traveling to a new place where the child gets to explore something new.

Fuerteventura Road Trip

Little A and I had agreed that I would get to decide what we’d do for one day. That is how we ended up renting a car and exploring more of the island. There will be a separate post about the road trip, but in short, we drove from the northern tip almost all the way down to the south. We visited a few smaller towns such as Castillo Caleta de Fuste and La Oliva, while enjoying the sights along the way such as the Dunes of Corralejo and the mountains of the island’s inland.

However, the most amazing sight was the beach Playa de Sotavento de Jandía. Here we sat down for a picnic with strawberries, watermelon, and a few cakes. We didn’t swim as Little A preferred the pools of the hotel, but we did walk along the shores of the lagoon that we found here. Little A was eventually quite tired when we got back to the hotel in the afternoon. But it seemed like she had a great day, even when it was my time to decide the activity.

Recommendations for Traveling Alone with Kids

First of all. I can really recommend any father out there to go away on some adventure with their small kids. Their mothers usually get a very special quality time with the kids that we fathers can never get an understanding of. To challenge the normal, to challenge yourself and your kid, a new bond can really be established. What I have noticed is that it is a lot easier to connect with my daughter once her mother is not around and it is made even easier with being away from home. Especially since mom is always missed if she isn’t home. Well, it is always expected that mom should be home and that makes it harder.

So once you are away on your adventure, here are my five main findings.

  1. Let it take the time it takes. Everything is a bit slower when you are alone with the kids. But remember, you are both on vacation. There is no need to stress even though you are half an hour late for breakfast.
  2. Depending on the age of the kid, let him/her explain what they want to do. Of course, give them alternatives, but if they are able to feel that they are a part of the decision-making they tend to be happier. That is at least the case with Little A.
  3. If you prioritize something, such as a daily walk, make sure to get this done in the morning after breakfast. The kid still has something to look forward to once the two of you are back and that makes it easier to inspire and encourage them to find some joy in the activity.
  4. Get some sleep when the kid sleeps. You will most likely be as tired as she or he is in the evening.
  5. Don’t be afraid to travel alone with the child and don’t stress about it. Trust me, your kid will notice and might be worried about the trip instead. In the end, it is an adventure. Be excited about the trip and make sure to enjoy it.

Good Bye, Fuerteventura!

Time flies when you are having fun! Our one week on Fuerteventura was over way too fast. Luckily we have so many memories that hopefully will last for years. And Little A still talks about the trip and wants to go again. But for some reason. I don’t really understand why. Little A now believes that she can only go with either her mom or her dad if she wants all-inclusive. So she has told us plenty of times that next time it is she and her mother who should go to the Canary Islands. Apparently, I should stay at home. Well, at least she has memories and I look forward to our next adventure together.

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