Week 9

Week 9 – This Week We Talked About…

Welcome March and goodbye week 9! The spring is finally starting to knock on the door. The most exciting part of this week has been our travel planning! We have booked three trips abroad for this spring/early summer and learnt one very valuable lesson in the process – never ever misspell your name when booking a flight. It might turn out to be a costly affair.

Week 9 On the Blog

Life is Scandinavia might be tricky at times. Especially for foreigners who aren’t familiar with the local mentality. Check out this short guide in order to understand Scandi Life a little better >>

During week 9 we also continued our series about South America. Read more about our trip to Tigre, Argentina and South America here >>

Serekunda is the largest town in the Gambia and they have a very lively and bustling market. On our last day in the Gambia, we decided to visit the market together with our taxi driver. Click here to read more about our experience >>

Last but not least, we have added some content to our Bratislava guide. The presidential palace in Bratislava is a beautiful building and it is surrounded by green parks and a popular square. It’s in a good location as well. Don’t forget to bring your camera! Read more about the palace here >>

For next week we have some exciting travel plans, you will certainly get a chance to read about them when it’s time. We are just hoping for nice weather so that we can do a lot of walking. Do you have any exciting plans for the upcoming week or spring in general?

Now it’s time for us to hit the gym and wish you all a very nice Sunday wherever you are and a great week 10!

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