Lösen, Blekinge, Exploring Sweden

Lösen, Blekinge – Exploring Sweden

Lösen is a small village in the province of Blekinge in Southern Sweden that has grown around the parish church. It is in the northern parts of the town of Karlskrona, as the town’s continued growth has closed the gap between them. Lösen, which earlier had around 100 inhabitants, is today a part of the large locality with around 37.000 inhabitants.

A Short History of Lösen

Lösen Parish has its origins in the Middle Ages and the former church dated back to the 13th century. The current church was built first in the mid-19th century. In 1862, the parish split between the civilian government of Lösen Municipality and the church congregation. The municipality remained independent until 1952 when it merged with Lyckeby Municipality. Later, in 1967, Lyckeby was merged with the town of Karlskrona. Lösen would stay a separate village until 2015 when the gap to Karlskrona became too small and the village was included by Statistics Sweden in the locality of Karlskrona. Today it is only the district with the same name that distinguishes the former village from the surrounding urban area.

Things to Do and See

As the village lies at the edge of Karlskrona, city life is never far away. But this is also on the edge of the Swedish countryside. With the city on one side, there is a whole world of outdoor activities being possible on the other side.

Lösen Church

The church was inaugurated in 1860 and is a white stone church watching out over the highway E22. Its inventory is in many parts much older than the current church building. There are objects here dating back as far as the 14th century, telling something about the history of the church’s predecessors.

Barnens Gård

Barnens Gård is an amusement park a short distance to the east of the church. This is a park split into three parts. Firstly, there is the playground with several outdoor activities, then there is the water park with pools and water slides, and the third part is the zoo with common farm animals.

How to Get to Lösen

  • Flights: The closest airport is Ronneby Airport (RNB) 33 kilometers away. The airport has a few domestic routes as well as seasonal charter flights.
  • Car: Lösen is along road E22 a short distance to the east of Karlskrona.
  • Bus: Buses from Blekingetrafiken connect Lösen with the surrounding region.

The driving distance from 5 major Swedish cities, according to Google Maps:

  • Stockholm – 484 kilometers (5 h 31 min)
  • Gothenburg – 333 kilometers (4 h 8 min)
  • Malmö – 201 kilometers (2 h 11 min)
  • Linköping – 302 kilometers (3 h 50 min)
  • Kiruna – 1714 kilometers (19 h 22 min)

Explore More of Blekinge and Sweden

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